Hacking Wireless Networks - Courses | KALI LINUX

Hacking Wireless Networks - Courses | KALI LINUX


Hacking Wireless Networks - Courses | KALI LINUX


  • WiFi refers to wireless local area network (WLAN) works based on IEEE 802.11    standard.    It   is   a   widely   used   technology   for   wireless communication across a radio channel.
  • Personal computers,  smartphones,  video game console,  etc.  use WiFi to connect to the internet via a wireless network access point.
  • Every network card has a physical static address known as MAC address.This address is unique, and the card manufacturer assigns it.
  • This address is used between devices to identify each other and to transfer packets  to  the  right  place.   Each  packet  has  a  source  MAC  and  adestination MAC.


Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a security algorithm for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. Introduced as part of the original 802.11  standards ratified in 1997, its intention was to provide data confidentiality comparable to that of a traditional  wired  network. 

A  Standard  64-bit  WEP  uses  a 40-bit  key  (also known as WEP-40),  which is concatenated with a 24-bit initialization vector (IV) to form the RC4 key used for encryption.

RC4 is a stream cipher; the same traffic key must never be used twice. The purpose of an IV, which is transmitted as plain text, is to prevent any repetition, but a 24-bit IV is not long enough to ensure this on a busy network. The way the IV was used also opened WEP to a related key attack.


WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access and is a security technology for Wi-Fi  networks.  It  was  developed  in response  to  the  weaknesses  of WEP (Wired Equivalent  Privacy)  and therefore  improves on WEP's authentication and encryption features.

WPA provides  stronger encryption than WEP through use of either of two standard technologies: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and Advanced  Encryption  Standard  (AES).  WPA  also  includes  built-in authentication support that WEP does not offer. Some implementations of WPA allow for WEP clients to connect to the network too, but the security is then reduced to WEP-levels for all connected devices.

WPA includes support for authentication serves called Remote Authentication   Dial-In   User   Service  servers   (RADIUS)   servers.   After connecting to a WPA network Once a device successfully connects to a WPA network. Devices make a four-way handshake with the access point to generate security keys.

When  TKIP  encryption  is  used,  a  message  integrity  code  (MIC)  is included to make sure that the data is not being  spoofed.  It  replaces WEP's weaker packet guarantee called cyclic redundancy check (CRC).


Short for Wi-Fi Protected Access 2, WPA2 is the security method added to WPA for wireless networks that provide stronger data protection and network access control. It provides  enterprise and consumer Wi-Fi users with a high level of assurance that only authorized users can access their wireless networks. Based  on  the  IEEE  802.11 i   standard,   WPA2  provides  government  grade security by implementing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS 140-2 compliant AES encryption algorithm and 802.lx-based authentication.

There   are   two   versions   of  WPA2:   WPA2-Personal,   and   WPA2- Enterprise. WPA2-Personal protects unauthorized network access by utilizing a set-up password.  WPA2-Enterprise  verifies  network  users  through  a  server. WPA2 is backward compatible with WPA.


WPA3 is the next generation of Wi-Fi security and provides cutting-edge security  protocols  to  the  market.  Building  on  the  widespread  success  and adoption of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2™, WPA3 adds new features to simplify Wi-Fi  security,  enable more robust  authentication,  deliver  increased cryptographic strength for highly sensitive data markets, and maintain resiliency of mission-critical networks. All WPA3 networks

•   Use the latest security methods
•   Disallow outdated legacy protocols
•   Require use of Protected Management Frames (PMF)

Since Wi-Fi networks differ in usage purpose and security needs, WPA3 includes   additional  capabilities   specifically   for   personal   and   enterprise networks. Users of WPA3-Personal receive increased protection from password guessing attempts, while WPA3-Enterprise  users  can now take advantage  of higher grade security protocols for sensitive data networks.

WPA3 which retains interoperability with WPA2™ devices is currently an optional certification for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED devices. It will become required over time as market adoption grows


WPA3-Personal brings better protections to individual users by providing more robust password-based authentication, even when users choose passwords that   fall   short   of  typical   complexity  recommendations.   This   capability   is enabled through  Simultaneous  Authentication  of Equals  (SAE), which replaces Pre-shared   Key  (PSK)  and  WPA2-Personal.   The  technology   is  resistant  to offline dictionary  attacks where  an adversary  attempts  to determine  a network password by trying possible passwords without further network interaction.

• Natural  password  selection:  Allows  users  to  choose  passwords  that  are easier to remember
• Ease  of use:  Delivers  enhanced  protections  with  no  change  to the  way users connect to a network
• Forward  secrecy:  Protects data traffic  even if a password  is compromised after the data was transmitted


WPA3-Enterprise. WPA3-Enterprise  builds upon WPA2  and ensures the Enterprise, governments, and financial institutions have greater security with consistent application  of security protocols across the network.

WPA3-Enterprise  also offers an optional mode using  192-bit minimum-strength security protocols  and cryptographic  tools to better protect sensitive data :

• Authenticated encryption : 256-bit Galois/Counter Mode Protocol (GCMP-256)

• Key derivation and confirmation :384-bit Hashed Message Authentication Mode (HMAC) with Secure Hash Algorithm (HMAC• SHA384)

• Key establishment and authentication :Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)exchange and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) using a 384-bit elliptic curve

•  Robust management frame protection : 256-bit Broadcast/Multicast Integrity  Protocol  Galois  Message  Authentication   Code  (BIP-GMAC-256)

The 192-bit security mode offered by WPA3-Enterprise ensures the right combination of cryptographic tools  are used and sets a consistent baseline of security within a WPA3 network.

Types of Wireless Antennas :

Directional Antenna is used to broadcast  and obtain radio waves from a single direction.

Omnidirectional Antenna provides a 360-degree horizontal radiation pattern. It is used in wireless base stations.

Parabolic Grid Antenna is based on the principle of a satellite dish, but it does not have a solid backing. They can pick up WiFi signals ten miles or more.

Yagi Antenna  is  a unidirectional antenna commonly used in communications for a frequency band of 10 MHz to VHF and UHF.

Dipole Antenna is a bidirectional antenna, used to support client connections rather than site-to-site applications.

Finding Open WiFi Networks

War Walking - Attackers walk around with WiFi-enabled laptops to detect open wireless networks.

War Chalking - A method used to draw symbols in public places to advertise open WiFi networks.

War Flying - In this technique, attackers use drones to detect open wireless networks.

War Driving - Attackers drive around with WiFi-enabled laptops todetect open wireless networks.


Aircrack-ng  includes a set of tools to perform WiFi network hacking.

Monitoring : Packet capture and export of data to text files for further processing by third-party tools.
Attacking : Replay attacks, deauthentication, fake access points and others via packet injection.
Testing : Hecking WiFi cards and driver capabilities (capture and injection).
Cracking : WEP and WPA PSK (WPA 1 and 2).


This script can be used to enable monitor  mode on wireless  interfaces.  It may also be used to go back from monitor mode to managed mode. Entering the airmon-ng  command without parameters  will show the interfaces  status.


Airodump-ng   is used  for packet  capturing  of raw  802.11  frames  and is particularly  suitable for collecting  WEP IVs (Initialization  Vector) for the intent of using  them  with  aircrack-ng.  If you  have  a GPS receiver  connected  to the computer,  airodump-ng   is  capable   of logging  the  coordinates   of the  found access points.

Additionally,  airodump-ng  writes  out several  files containing  the  details of all access points and clients seen.


Bssid = Mac Address of The Access Point
Essid = Name of The Access Point
Ch    = Channel Number  of Access Point
Data = Data Packets Transferred

Beacons = Advertisement Packets Sent by Access Point
Pwr   = Signal Strength of Access Point
Auth  = Encryption Used by The Access Point
Cipher = Encryption Cipher Used by The Access Point


Aireplay-ng is used to inject frames. The primary function is to generate traffic for the later use in aircrack-ng  for cracking the WEP and WPA-PSK keys.

There are different attacks which can cause de-authentications to capture WPA handshake data, fake authentications, Interactive packet replay, hand• crafted ARP request  injection  and ARP-request  reinjection.  With the packet forge-ng tool, it's possible to create arbitrary frames. Most drivers need to be patched to be able to inject.


Airbase-ng is a multi-purpose tool aimed at attacking clients as opposed to the Access Point (AP) itself. Since it is so versatile and flexible, summarizing it is a challenge. Here are some of the feature highlights :

•   Implements the Caffe Latte WEP client attack
•   Implements the Hirte WEP client attack
•   Ability to cause the WPA/WPA2 handshake to be captured
•   Ability to act as an ad-hoc Access Point
•   Ability to serve as a full Access Point
•   Ability to filter by SSID or client MAC addresses
•   Ability to manipulate and resend packets
•   Ability to encrypt sent packets and decrypt received packets

WEP Cracking

It uses a stream cipher algorithm called RC4 where each packet is encrypted at the AP and is then decrypted at the client, WEP ensures that each packet has a unique keystream by using a random 24-bit Initialization Vector (IV), this IV is contained in the packets as plain text.

In a busy network we can collect more than two packets with the same IV, then we can use the aircrack-ng suite to determine WEP key.

Cracking WPA/WPA2 Encryption

Capturing WPA packets is not useful as they do not contain any info that can be used to crack the key. The only packet that contains info that helps us crack the password is the handshake packets.

Every  time  a client  connects  to  that  AP  a  four-way  handshake  occurs between the client and the AP.  By capturing the handshake, we can use aircrack to launch a word list attack against the handshake  to determine the key.

To crack a WPA/WPA2  AP with WPS disabled, we need two things :

1. Capture the Handshake
2. A wordlist

Cracking the WPA Key using a Wordlist

Use aircrack-ng  to crack the key. It performs  the job  by combining  each password  in the wordlist  with AP names  (Essid)  to compute  a PMK  (Pairwise Master  Key)  using  the  pbkdf2  algorithm;  the  PMK  is then  compared  to  the handshake  file.  Create wordlist using crunch tool to crack the WPA key

Exploiting WPS Feature

WPS is a feature that allows users to connect to WPS enabled  networks easily,   using   a  WPS   button   or  only   by   clicking   on   WPS   functionality. Authentication  is done using  an eight-digit  long pin, this means that there  is a relatively  small number  of pin combination  and using brute force we can guess the  pin  in  less  than  10  hours.  Tools  like  wifite  or  reaver  can  automate  this process and recover the WPA key from that pin.

Note : This flaw is in the WPS feature and not in WPA/WPA2. However, it allows us to crack any WPA/WPA2 AP without using a wordlist and without any clients.

Cracking WiFi Passwords (Summary)

Bluetooth hacking : 

Attackers take advantage of Bluetooth to perform various types of attacks. They exploit  vulnerabilities  in  Bluetooth  stack  implementation  to  gain  access  to sensitive  data  in  Bluetooth  enabled  devices  and  networks.  Attackers  gain sensitive information by hacking a Bluetooth enabled device from another Bluetooth enabled device.

Bluetooth attacks - Btlejacking, Bluesmacking, Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing, Bluesniff, and Blueprinting.


  1. Do not use WEP encryption, as it is easy to crack.
  2. Use WPA2 with a complex password, make sure the password contains small letters, capital letters, symbols and numbers
  3. Ensure that the WPS feature is disabled as it can be used to crack your complex WPA2 key by brute-forcing the easy WPS pin.
  4. Enable MAC address filtering on access point or router.
  5. Set  default  router   access  password   and  enable   firewall  protection.
Hacking Wireless Networks - Courses | KALI LINUX

Practical 1 :  Cracking WEP Wi-Fi passwords.

Description : In this practical you will learn how to set up your system for performing WiFi hacking and different terminology in WiFi hacking. WEP is an old encryption technique used in WIFI' s, it is more vulnerable to exploitation,  in this practical you will learn how to crack WiFi that are using WEP encryption technique.

Prerequisites :  Air-crack suite installed  in your system and external WiFi adapter if you are trying to perform WiFi attacks using a virtual machine.

Keywords :

•  BSSID - Target Access Point MAC address

•  CH - Channel Number of Target AP

•  ESSID - Target Access Point Name

•  Data - The amount of data packets sent or received by Target AP

•  Beacons - The number of advertisement packets sent by Target AP

•  ENC - Type of wireless encryption used for communication purpose.

•  Cipher - Type of Algorithm used for encryption.

•  Auth - Type of Authentication.

•  Clients or Station-> The user MAC address connected to an AP.

Step 1 : Open a terminal and execute iwconfig to identify available network interfaces.

Step 2 : Start Wi-Fi interface on monitor mode
•  syntax: airmon-ng start <Wi-Fi interface name>

Step 3 : To display the list of surrounded Wi-Fi networks, execute the following command.
• Syntax : airodump-ng <Wi-Fi monitoring interface>

Step 4 : To crack WEP Protected Wi-Fi network, capture a minimum of 20000 data packets. Execute the following command to start packet capturing.

• Syntax : airodump-ng --bssid <target AP mac> --essid <target AP name> 
• channel <target channelnumber> --write <filename> <wifi monitormode name>

Step 6 : To crack WEP password, execute following command

•  Syntax :  aircrack-ng <filename-01.cap>

Practical 2 : Cracking WPA/WPA2 passwords using
Dictionary Attack.

Description : In this practical you will learn how to crack WiFi password  for the WiFi that uses WPA/WPA2 encryption technique, by capturing the handshake and providing a wordlist.

Step 1 : Open a terminal and execute iwconfig to identify available network interfaces.

Description : In this practical you will learn how to crack WiFi password for the WiFi that uses WPA/WPA2 encryption technique, by capturing the handshake and providing a wordlist.

Step 1 : Open a terminal and execute iwconfig to identify available network interfaces.

Step 2 : Start Wi-Fi interface on monitor mode
• syntax: airmon-ng start <Wi-Fi interface name>

Step 3 : To display the list of surrounded Wi-Fi networks, execute the following command.
• Syntax : airodump-ng <Wi-Fi monitoring interface>

Step 4 : Select an access point (WPA/WPA2) BSSID and run airodump  command to start capturing packets. We need to capture handshake packet to crack passwords of WPA/WPA2 protected networks

•  Syntax : airodump-ng --bssid <target AP mac> --essid <target AP name> 
-• channel <target channel number> --write <filename> <wifi monitormode name>

Step 5 : We must wait until a client connects to the  access  point  to  capture  WPA handshake (As shown in the top right comer of the above image). If there is no client connected then we need to perform  a  deauthentication attack by executing the following command to capture a handshake packet.

• Syntax : aireplay-ng -0 0 -a <AP mac Address> -c <Station Mac address>  
•-e <essid> <wifi monitormode name>

Step 6 : After capturing handshake, execute aircrack command to perform dictionary attack using  default  wordlist  rockyou. txt  or  a  custom  build  wordlist  based  on information gathering performed on target.

•  Syntax : aircrack-ng <filename-01.ivs> -w <wordlist file path>

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